ホーム > ストレージネットワーキング用語集 > SMI
1.[Management] Storage Networking Industry Association(SNIA)のStorage Management Initiative(SMI).製品の適合テストの提供を含め,相互運用可能なストレージ管理技術の開発と標準化を行っている.
2.[Fibre Channel][Management][Network]Structure of Management Informationの頭字語.
使用分野: Fibre Channel/Management/Network
1. [Management] The Storage Networking Industry Association's (SNIA) Storage Management Initiative (SMI) develops and standardizes interoperable storage management technologies, including providing conformance testing for products. 2.[Fibre Channel] [Management] [Network] Acronym for Structure of Management Information.
CONTEXT [Fibre Channel] [Management] [Network]