ホーム > ストレージネットワーキング用語集 > striping



1.データストライピングの短縮形でRAIDレベル0もしくはRAID 0として知られる. 仮想ディスクアドレスの連続した固定長領域を循環的にアレイ内の次のディスクへマップするマッピング技術.


使用分野: Storage System

1. Short for data striping; also known as RAID Level 0 or RAID 0. A mapping technique in which fixed-size consecutive ranges of virtual disk data addresses are mapped to successive array members in a cyclic pattern 2. A network technique for aggregating the bandwidth of several links between the same pair of nodes. A single data stream can be spread across the links for higher aggregate bandwidth. Sometimes called port aggregation.

CONTEXT [Storage System]

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