ホーム > ストレージネットワーキング用語集 > Structure of Management Information

Structure of Management Information

SNMP上で管理変数を設定,取得するのに用いる表記法.SNMPクエリは,という形の1つもしくは複数のObject ID(OID)のGET要求の形をとる.ASN.1と呼ばれる符号化は,要求と応答の両方を送信するために用いられる.SMI仕様(SNIAのStorage Management Initiativeと混同しないこと)は,OID文字列で用いられるスキーマを指定する.

使用分野: Fibre Channel/Management/Network

A notation for setting or retrieving management variables over SNMP. SNMP queries are in the form of GET requests for one or more Object IDs (OIDs), which take the form; an encoding called ASN.1 is used to transmit both request and reply. The SMI spec?not to be confused with the SNIA's Storage Management Initiative?specifies the schema used in the OID strings.

CONTEXT [Fibre Channel] [Management] [Network]

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